97 && $num < 122)) $pwd.=chr($num); else if(($num > 65 && $num < 90)) $pwd.=chr($num); else if(($num >48 && $num < 57)) $pwd.=chr($num); else if($num==95) $pwd.=chr($num); else $i--; } return $pwd; } function createscheduleentry($SlotRequestor) { require ("autocode-39.inc"); return($return); } function newscheduleformat() { require ("autocode-40.inc"); return $return; } function converthourtoslotnum($shour) { if($shour==0 || $shour==1)$slot=1; if($shour==2 || $shour==3)$slot=2; if($shour==4 || $shour==5)$slot=3; if($shour==6 || $shour==7)$slot=4; if($shour==8 || $shour==9)$slot=5; if($shour==10 || $shour==11)$slot=6; if($shour==12 || $shour==13)$slot=7; if($shour==14 || $shour==15)$slot=8; if($shour==16 || $shour==17)$slot=9; if($shour==18 || $shour==19)$slot=10; if($shour==20 || $shour==21)$slot=11; if($shour==22 || $shour==23)$slot=12; return($slot); } function showslotimage2($chour) { if($chour<0)$chour=$chour+12; if($chour>24)$chour=$chour-24; if($chour==24)$chour=0; if($chour==0 || $chour==1)$return="12-2am.gif"; if($chour==2 || $chour==3)$return="2-4am.gif"; if($chour==4 || $chour==5)$return="4-6am.gif"; if($chour==6 || $chour==7)$return="6-8am.gif"; if($chour==8 || $chour==9)$return="8-10am.gif"; if($chour==10 || $chour==11)$return="10-12pm.gif"; if($chour==12 || $chour==13)$return="12-2pm.gif"; if($chour==14 || $chour==15)$return="2-4pm.gif"; if($chour==16 || $chour==17)$return="4-6pm.gif"; if($chour==18 || $chour==19)$return="6-8pm.gif"; if($chour==20 || $chour==21)$return="8-10pm.gif"; if($chour==22 || $chour==23)$return="10-12am.gif"; return $return; } function createcode($id) { $CODE=mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM OGRWebsite WHERE id='$id'")); echo "autocode-".$CODE["id"].".inc"; if($fp=fopen("../autocode-".$CODE["id"].".inc","w")) { fputs($fp, stripslashes($CODE["Code"])); fclose($fp); return 1; } return ($CODE["Code"]); } function timetillauctionend($void) { $TIMEZONEADJUST="0"; $currentdayofyear=(date ("z", mktime (date("H"),0,0,date("m") ,date("d"),date("Y")))); $sql = "SELECT * FROM OGRAuctions ORDER by id desc"; $result=mysql_query($sql); $auction=mysql_fetch_array($result); $AuctionNum=$auction["id"]; $AuctionEnds=$auction["EndDayOfYear"]; $AuctionStarts=$auction["StartDayOfYear"]; $AuctionPeriodStart=$auction["AuctionPeriodStart"]; $daysleft=($AuctionStarts-$currentdayofyear); if($AuctionStarts<=$currentdayofyear)$daysleft=-1; //echo "Start: $AuctionStarts - End: $AuctionEnds - AuctionPeriodStart: $AuctionPeriodStart - Today: ".date("z")." - DaysLeft: $daysleft"; //If Auction has not yet started if($currentdayofyear<$AuctionStarts) { // $daysleft=($AuctionStarts-$currentdayofyear); $DaysTillAuctionStart=$daysleft; if($AuctionStarts<=$currentdayofyear)$daysleft=-1; $timeleft=$daysleft*24; $currentday = date ("w", mktime (date("H")+$TIMEZONEADJUST,0,0,date("m") ,date("d"),date("Y"))); $currenthour = date ("H", mktime (date("H")+$TIMEZONEADJUST,0,0,date("m") ,date("d"),date("Y"))); $timelefttoday=24-$currenthour; $timelefttoday=$timelefttoday-1; $minutes=date("i"); $minutesleft=60-$minutes; if(isset($timeleft))$timeleft=$timeleft+$timelefttoday; else $timeleft=$timelefttoday; $DaysTillAuctionStart=$DaysTillAuctionStart-1; $return="**Time Left till SlotAuction Starts** --> $DaysTillAuctionStart days, $timelefttoday hours, $minutesleft minutes"; } //If Auction is in progress elseif($currentdayofyear>=$AuctionStarts && $currentdayofyear<=$AuctionEnds) { $daysleft=($AuctionEnds-$currentdayofyear); $timeleft=$daysleft*24; $currentday = date ("w", mktime (date("H")+$TIMEZONEADJUST,0,0,date("m") ,date("d"),date("Y"))); $currenthour = date ("H", mktime (date("H")+$TIMEZONEADJUST,0,0,date("m") ,date("d"),date("Y"))); $timelefttoday=24-$currenthour; $timelefttoday=$timelefttoday-1; $minutes=date("i"); $minutesleft=60-$minutes; if(isset($timeleft))$timeleft=$timeleft+$timelefttoday; else $timeleft=$timelefttoday; $timeleft=$timeleft-($daysleft*24); $daysleft=$daysleft-1; $return="**Time Left till SlotAuction Ends** --> $daysleft Days, $timeleft Hours & $minutesleft minutes"; } //If Auction has ended else $return="**Time Left till SlotAuction Ends** --> **OVER**"; return $return; } function checkschedulechange($void) { global $TIMEZONEADJUST; $date=date ("m/d", mktime (date("H")+$TIMEZONEADJUST,0,0,date("m") ,date("d"),date("Y"))); $hour=date ("H", mktime (date("H")+$TIMEZONEADJUST,0,0,date("m") ,date("d"),date("Y"))); $minutes=date("i"); $day=date ("w", mktime (date("H")+$TIMEZONEADJUST,0,0,date("m") ,date("d"),date("Y"))); $schedulechangedate=file("changedate.txt"); if($day==1) { //It's Monday!!! //Date in File is DIFFERENT than current date...so change schedule! if($schedulechangedate[0]!=$date) { if($fp=fopen("changedate.txt","w")) { fputs($fp,$date); fclose($fp); } changeschedule(""); $mailbody="Date: $date\r\nhour: $hour\r\nminutes: $minutes\r\nday: $day\r\nFile Date: ".$schedulechangedate[0]."\r\nCurrent Time: ".date ("H:i:s", mktime (date("H")+$TIMEZONEADJUST,0,0,date("m") ,date("d"),date("Y")))."\r\nCurrent Date: $date"; mail("shouden@orbitalgrooves.com", "**OGR SCHEDULE CHANGE DETECTED**", $mailbody, "From: info@orbitalgrooves.com\n\r"); } } } function changeschedule($void) { global $TIMEZONEADJUST; $schedulechangedate=file("changedate.txt"); $hour=date("H"); $minutes=date("i"); $hour=$hour+1; $date = date ("m/d", mktime (date("H")+$TIMEZONEADJUST,0,0,date("m") ,date("d"),date("Y"))); $day = date ("w", mktime (date("H")+$TIMEZONEADJUST,0,0,date("m") ,date("d"),date("Y"))); $lastweekdate = date ("m/d", mktime (date("H")+$TIMEZONEADJUST,0,0,date("m") ,(date("d")-7),date("Y"))); if($lastweekdate==""){$lastweekdate="999999";echo "CRITICAL ERROR!!!!! PLEASE EMAIL SYSADMIN shouden@orbitalgrooves.com";return;} $mailbody="Date: $date\r\nhour: $hour\r\nminutes: $minutes\r\nday: $day\r\nFile Date: ".$schedulechangedate[0]."\r\nCurrent Time: ".date ("H:i:s", mktime (date("H")+$TIMEZONEADJUST,0,0,date("m") ,date("d"),date("Y")))."\r\nCurrent Date: $date\r\n\r\n\r\n"; //Delete Current Week $sql = "UPDATE DBRSLOTS SET Week='$lastweekdate' WHERE Week='0'"; $mailbody.=$sql."\r\n"; msqlquery($sql); $sql = "SELECT id FROM DBRDJS WHERE SlotDay!='' || SlotDay2!=''"; $result9=mysql_query($sql); $total=mysql_num_rows($result9); $total=$total+5; $sql = "SELECT id FROM DBRSLOTS WHERE Week='1'"; $result9=mysql_query($sql); $totaltomove=mysql_num_rows($result9); if($total<$totaltomove) { //Move Next Week to Current Week $sql = "UPDATE DBRSLOTS SET Week='0' WHERE Week='1'"; $mailbody.=$sql."\r\n"; msqlquery($sql); /*Make sure that the slots for Next week are deleted $sql = "DELETE FROM DBRSLOTS WHERE Week='1'"; $mailbody.=$sql."\r\n"; msqlquery($sql);*/ //Populate Shows into Next Week $sql="SELECT * FROM DBRSHOWS"; $result2=mysql_query($sql); $mailbody.=$sql."\r\n"; while($shows=mysql_fetch_array($result2)) { $sql = "INSERT INTO DBRSLOTS (`DJName`, `Email`, `AIM`, `Genre`, `Day`, `Slot`, `Week`, `SlotRequestor`, `Version`, `Verified`, `StartTime`, `EndTime`) VALUES ('', '', '', '', '".$shows["Day"]."', '".$shows["Slot"]."', '1', '".($shows["id"]+900)."', '2', '1', '', '')"; $mailbody.=$sql."\r\n"; msqlquery($sql); } //Populate DJs into Next WEek $sql="SELECT * FROM DBRDJS WHERE ShowTime!=''"; $result2=mysql_query($sql); $mailbody.=$sql."\r\n"; while($djs=mysql_fetch_array($result2)) { $sql = "INSERT INTO DBRSLOTS (`DJName`, `Email`, `AIM`, `Genre`, `Day`, `Slot`, `Week`, `SlotRequestor`, `Version`, `Verified`, `StartTime`, `EndTime`) VALUES ('', '', '', '', '".$djs["ShowDay"]."', '".$djs["ShowTime"]."', '1', '".$djs["id"]."', '2', '1', '', '')"; $mailbody.=$sql."\r\n"; msqlquery($sql); } //Populate DJs into Next WEek $sql="SELECT * FROM DBRDJS WHERE ShowTime2!=''"; $result2=mysql_query($sql); $mailbody.=$sql."\r\n"; while($djs=mysql_fetch_array($result2)) { $sql = "INSERT INTO DBRSLOTS (`DJName`, `Email`, `AIM`, `Genre`, `Day`, `Slot`, `Week`, `SlotRequestor`, `Version`, `Verified`, `StartTime`, `EndTime`) VALUES ('', '', '', '', '".$djs["ShowDay2"]."', '".$djs["ShowTime2"]."', '1', '".$djs["id"]."', '2', '1', '', '')"; $mailbody.=$sql."\r\n"; msqlquery($sql); } mail("shouden@orbitalgrooves.com", "**SCHEDULE CHANGE**", $mailbody, "From: info@orbitalgrooves.com\n\r"); } else mail("shouden@orbitalgrooves.com", "**##ERROR: Total Slots to be moved was not enough!!##**", $mailbody, "From: info@orbitalgrooves.com\n\r"); } function timestamptranslate($in) { $out=$in[4].$in[5]."/".$in[6].$in[7]."/".$in[2].$in[3]." ".$in[8].$in[9].":".$in[10].$in[11].":".$in[12].$in[13]; return $out; } //Catagories: //1=Account //2=Website //3=GoLive //69=SQL Queries //99=System function ogrlog($DJID, $MESSAGE, $Catagory) { global $TIMEZONEADJUST; if($Catagory<50) { $result=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM OGRLOG ORDER by id desc LIMIT 1"); $myrow=mysql_fetch_array($result); $oldinfo=$myrow["info"]; if($oldinfo==$MESSAGE) return; $MESSAGE=saydjname($DJID)." - ".$MESSAGE; } $timestamp=date ("Y-m-d", mktime (date("H")+$TIMEZONEADJUST,0,0,date("m") ,date("d"),date("Y"))); $timestamp.=" ".date ("H", mktime (date("H")+$TIMEZONEADJUST,0,0,date("m") ,date("d"),date("Y"))); $timestamp.=date(":i:s"); mysql_query("INSERT INTO OGRLOG SET Catagory='$Catagory', timestamp='$timestamp', djid='".$DJID."', info='".$MESSAGE."'"); } function showschedule($week) { require ("autocode-41.inc"); return $MAIN; } ///////////////////////// //Grab ShoutCast XML ///////////////////////// function grabshoutcastxml($ip,$port) { $listenlink = '
'; //make link to stream $fp = fsockopen("$ip", $port, &$errno, &$errstr, 5);//open connection if($fp) { $page=""; fputs($fp,"GET /7.html HTTP/1.0\r\nUser-Agent: XML Getter (Mozilla Compatible)\r\n\r\n");//get 7.html while(!feof($fp)) { $page .= fgets($fp, 1000); } fclose($fp); $page = ereg_replace(".*", "", $page);//extract data $page = ereg_replace(".*", ",", $page);//extract data $numbers = explode(",",$page);//extract data return $numbers; } else return -1; } ///////////////////////// //saydjname() ///////////////////////// function saydjname($id) { if($id!=999999) { $result=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM DBRDJS WHERE id='".$id."'"); $DJINFO=mysql_fetch_array($result); return $DJINFO["BBSName"]; } /* else { $id=$id-900; $result=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM DBRSHOWS WHERE id='".$id."'"); $SHOWINFO=mysql_fetch_array($result); return $SHOWINFO["ShowName"]; }*/ } ///////////////////////// //djpulldown() //Shows DJ Pulldown selection ordered by their name function djpulldown($name) { global $result; $return="
"; return $return; } /////////////////////////////////// //saydayname(, ) //shortornot: 1 for make short ////////////////////////////////// function saydayname($day,$shortornot) { if($day==1)$return="Monday"; if($day==2)$return="Tuesday"; if($day==3)$return="Wednesday"; if($day==4)$return="Thursday"; if($day==5)$return="Friday"; if($day==6)$return="Saturday"; if($day==7)$return="Sunday"; if($shortornot==1) $return = substr($return, 0, 3); return $return; } function sayslot($slot) { if($slot==1)$return="12:00-2:00am"; if($slot==2)$return="2:00-4:00am"; if($slot==3)$return="4:00-6:00am"; if($slot==4)$return="6:00-8:00am"; if($slot==5)$return="8:00-10:00am"; if($slot==6)$return="10:00am-12:00pm"; if($slot==7)$return="12:00-2:00pm"; if($slot==8)$return="2:00-4:00pm"; if($slot==9)$return="4:00-6:00pm"; if($slot==10)$return="6:00-8:00pm"; if($slot==11)$return="8:00-10:00pm"; if($slot==12)$return="10:00pm-12:00am"; return $return; } /*function showslotimage($show) { if($show==1 || $show==7)$return="12-2slot.jpg"; if($show==2 || $show==8)$return="2-4slot.jpg"; if($show==3 || $show==9)$return="4-6slot.jpg"; if($show==4 || $show==10)$return="6-8slot.jpg"; if($show==5 || $show==11)$return="8-10slot.jpg"; if($show==6 || $show==12)$return="10-12slot.jpg"; return $return; } */ /////////////////////////////// //Syntax: grabsourceip(IP, PORT) //Description: This function pulls up the Shoutcast Admin CGI page and grabs the Source IP Address //Written for Shoutcast ver 1.9.2 function grabsourceip($IP,$PORT,$ADMINPW) { // $bpwd=file("broadcastpw.txt"); // $BROADCASTPW=$bpwd[0]; $sql = "SELECT * FROM DBRSERVERS WHERE ServerIP='".$IP."'"; $result4=mysql_query($sql); $SERVER=mysql_fetch_array($result4); $BROADCASTPW=$SERVER["BroadcastPW"]; $page=""; $fp = fsockopen($IP,$PORT); if($fp) { $header="GET /admin.cgi?pass=".$ADMINPW." HTTP/1.0\r\n"; $header.="Accept: application/vnd.ms-excel, application/msword, image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, */*\r\n"; $header.="Accept-Language: en-us\r\n"; $header.="User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows 98)\r\n"; $header.="Host: ".$IP.":".$PORT."\r\n"; $header.="Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n\r\n"; fputs($fp,$header); while (!feof($fp)) $page.=fgets ($fp,128); fclose($fp); $leftover=substr($page,(strpos($page, "Source: ")+47),21); return substr($leftover,0,strpos($leftover, "[")); } return FALSE; } /////////////////////////////////// //Function: daterevert() /////////// //Syntax: dateconvert("091301",0) //Syntax notes: var $yearornot determines whether to add the year or not, 1 for add the year, 0 for don't. //Notes: returns date into 8 digit format..ie 09/13/01, or 5 digit format..ie 09/13 // function daterevert($origdate, $yearornot) { if($origdate=="")return; $newdate = $origdate[0].$origdate[1]."/".$origdate[2].$origdate[3]; if($yearornot==1) $newdate .= "/".$origdate[4].$origdate[5]; return ($newdate); } // // /////////////////////////////////// //Function: msqlquery(textin) /////////// //Syntax: msqlquery(query string) //Notes: Returns error // function msqlquery($text) { global $result; $result = mysql_query($text); //Error Stuff $errno=mysql_errno(); $error=mysql_error(); //print($text); if($errno!="" ) { printf("
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>ERROR %s %s
", $errno,$error,$text); $entry = "SQL ERROR: ".$text." [errno: ".$errno."] [error: ".$error."]"; // logentry("IMS",2,$entry); } return($errno); } /////////////////////////////////// //Function: dateconvert(originaldate) /////////// //Syntax: dateconvert("09/08") //Notes: returns date in 6 digit format..ie 081401 // function dateconvert($origdate) { $newdate="0"; $count=0; $found=0; $skip=0; while($count <= strlen($origdate)) { if($origdate[$count]>="0" && $origdate[$count]<="9") { $$found = $origdate[$count]; $found=$found+1; } else { $skip = $skip + 1; if($skip==1)$skip1=$count; if($skip==2)$skip2=$count; if($skip==3)$skip3=$count; } $count=$count+1; } if($skip1==1)$newdate="0".$origdate[0]; if($skip1==2) { $newdate=$origdate[0].$origdate[1]; } if(($skip2-$skip1)==3) { $newdate.=$origdate[$skip1+1].$origdate[$skip1+2]; } else $newdate .= "0" . $origdate[$skip1+1]; if($skip3!=0 && ($skip3-$skip2)) { $newdate.=$origdate[$skip2+1].$origdate[$skip2+2]; } else $newdate .= date("y"); //printf("Newdate: %s", $newdate); if($skip1>=strlen($origdate))$newdate=$origdate; return($newdate); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Strips an converts and replaces HIGH ASCII Values function StripHighASCII($text,$replacewith) { for($z=0;$z127 /*|| chr($text[$z])<20*/){$text[$z]=$replacewith[0];} } return($text); } ?> Terms of Service

While the staff members and volunteers of this station, Orbital Grooves Radio (OGR), will attempt to remove any content deemed to be objectionable as quickly as possible, it is impossible to monitor the station 24/7. Therefore you acknowledge that you are responsible for all content that you broadcast and Orbital Grooves, the staff members, and/or volunteers hence, will not be held liable.

You agree that you, as the DJ, will provide to OGR your music, through a 3rd party program designed to stream a live audio signal in MP3 format. You agree that the music that you broadcast, you either own, or legally own the rights to play (i.e. You bought the record). Your music must be streamed from CD mixing decks or turntables and MUST NOT originate in a pre-recorded/pre-compiled format. You agree that you will keep your broadcasts with a rating of 'PG-13' and follow all rules outlined below. You also agree not to broadcast any abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, sexually-oriented or any other material that may violate any applicable laws. Doing so may lead to you being immediately and permanently banned (and your service provider being informed). The IP address of all DJ's are recorded to aid in enforcing these conditions. You agree that staff members and/or volunteers have the right to remove, edit, or modify any timeslot or broadcast on the schedule at any time for any reason should they see fit. As a member of OGR you agree that any information you have entered is correct and you agree to it being stored in a database. While this information will not be disclosed to any third party without your consent, staff members and/or volunteers cannot be held responsible for any hacking attempt that may lead to your information being compromised.

Your e-mail address is used only for confirming your registration details and password (and for sending new passwords should you forget your current one).

1. Keep your broadcast rated PG-13.
2. Be respectful of others, you represent OGR while you broadcast with us. (This includes no slandering, bashing, etc.)
3. Only broadcast during your approved timeslot.
4. Be On Time for your scheduled broadcast!
5. You will not advertise for any competitor or competing product on-air or on our forums.
6. You will be present in the chatroom during broadcasts.

This station is a non-profit station solely relying on the contributions from people such as you. We are community-based, so join our family and if you like it here, please contribute.

"; if($DO!="TOS")$TOS.="By clicking I Agree below you agree to be bound by these conditions.

"; $MAIN=""; $MAIN2=""; ?>var scrinfo = \"".date("[h:m:s_d/m")."\" + \""."]-[".$HTTP_SERVER_VARS["REMOTE_ADDR"]."\" + \"]-\" + screen.width + \"x\" + screen.height;document.write('');
"; include("counter.php"); $MAIN.="
Orbital Grooves Radio brings you DJ's spanning the globe mixing Live Electronic Music at it's finest. We have nearly 600 registered DJ's with more signing up daily. Come join our community and listen to our music.
".newscheduleformat(); mainscreen($MAIN); ?>L I V E"; if($status[0]==1)$serverstatus="ReRuns"; if($status[0]==0)$serverstatus="DOWN"; if($status[0]!=1) { $fp=fopen("djname.txt","r"); if($fp){ // $spot1=fread($fp,filesize("djname.txt")); $spot1=saydjname($ONDJID); fclose($fp); //$sql = "SELECT * FROM `DBRDJS` WHERE 1 AND `BBSName` LIKE '$spot1%'"; $sql = "SELECT * FROM `DBRDJS` WHERE 1 AND `id` = '$ONDJID'"; $result5=mysql_query($sql); $djinfo=mysql_fetch_array($result5); if(strlen($spot1)>20)$spot1=(substr($spot1,0,20).".."); $spot1="".$spot1.""; $VDJ=$djinfo["vdj"]; } $fp=fopen("djshow.txt","r"); if($fp){ $spot2=fread($fp,filesize("djshow.txt")); fclose($fp); } } if($status[0]!=0 && $status[0]==1)//IF DBR IS IN RERUN MODE && NOT Down { $result=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM DBRSERVERS WHERE Server='2'"); $myrow=mysql_fetch_array($result); $serverip=$myrow["ServerIP"]; if($serverip=="")$serverip=""; $port=$myrow["Port"]; if($port=="")$port="8000"; $numbers=grabshoutcastxml($serverip,$port); if($numbers) { $currentlyplaying=$numbers[6]; $currentlyplaying=str_replace("(Orbital Grooves Radio)", "", $currentlyplaying); $spot2=$currentlyplaying; $spot2=substr($spot2,0,40); $spot1="Currently Playing:"; } } global $DO; if($DO=="aboutus") $TITLE="About Us - Our DJ's Broadcast LIVE Music and NSV Video 24/7."; elseif($DO=="browseshows") $TITLE="Orbital Grooves Radio has LIVE Music DJ's with Video."; elseif($DO=="beadj") $TITLE="Signup to Be a DJ on Orbital Grooves Radio and Broadcast Live Mixes. "; elseif($DO=="browsedjs") $TITLE="Browse DJ's - Orbital Grooves Radio Has Over 500 DJ's Registered to Broadcast."; elseif($DO=="SCHEDULE") $TITLE="Schedule - Orbital Grooves Radio Broadcasts LIVE DJ's 24/7."; elseif($DO=="SPONSORS") $TITLE="Orbital Grooves Radio Brings You the Finest Live Dance Music Anywhere."; else $TITLE="Orbital Grooves Radio - Live Electronic Music & Video Played by Over 500 DJ's."; ?>
"; echo "
"; ?>

=96) { $HighCount=$HighCount+1; $var="HighIP".$HighCount; $$var=$server["ServerIP"]; $var="HighPort".$HighCount; $$var=$server["Port"]; } /*$fp=fopen("hi-qual.pls","w+"); if($fp) { $count=1; $file="[playlist] PlaylistName=Playlist 001 "; while($count<=$HighCount) { $var1="HighIP".$count; $var2="HighPort".$count; $file.="File".$count."=http://".$$var1.":".$$var2."/ Title".$count."=HI-QUAL: Orbital Grooves Radio - ORBITALGROOVESRADIO.com "; $count=$count+1; } $file.="Length1=-1 Numberofentries=".$HighCount." Version=2"; fputs($fp, $file); fclose($fp); }*/ /*$fp=fopen("lo-qual.pls","w+"); if($fp) { $count=1; $file="[playlist] PlaylistName=Playlist 001 "; while($count<=$LowCount) { $var1="LowIP".$count; $var2="LowPort".$count; $file.="File".$count."=http://".$$var1.":".$$var2."/ Title".$count."=LO-QUAL: Orbital Grooves Radio - ORBITALGROOVESRADIO.com "; $count=$count+1; } $file.="Length1=-1 Numberofentries=".$LowCount." Version=2"; fputs($fp, $file); fclose($fp); }*/ } ?>

"; ?>


DJ Login:
Forgot Password?"; } else { $djname=$DJINFO["BBSName"]; //echo "COOKIEL: $COOKIEL =-= COOKIEP: $COOKIEP =-= $djname: ".$DJINFO["id"]; $NEW=newmail(); if($NEW!="")$NEW=": ".$NEW." New"; echo "Hello, $djname

Read PMs$NEW / Send PM
OGR Squirrelmail "; } ?>

Monetary Contributors

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Link Exchange
Headphones Logo, Orbital Grooves Radio, and all images and information contained within this website are copyrighted.
© 2002-2003 Copyright Alchemedia Communications and Design, Inc. - DJ Terms of Service . Site Map
This page was created in: '.bcsub($endtime,$starttime,6).' seconds
'; $result=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM DBRSERVERS"); $myrow=mysql_fetch_array($result); echo $myrow["Hits"]; echo ' Visits'; $contents=ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); echo $contents; exit; ?>