Thursday, January 10, 2001
The State of the Guild - by Leon

Acquired Ranks, and open DC Positions
We've had abit of trouble deciding
who would take over the new DC seats. We have
five people we're looking at and trouble picking
them. So I will be ICQing each of these five
people asking them to please e-mail me about what
they'd do differenly as a DC'er, what are their
plans, and why they feel they should be a DC'er.
After talking abit with Wind Wolf he has accepted
the offer of Shogun. I'm very happy about this as
he has proven himself and also (Which I look for
most in a Shogun/Commandent) works well with me(Something
which Trundle and I were very, very, good at I
always thought)
"awards" to be added to the Guild.
Kindness of our
Hearts: This is given out for a
single great act of kindness for the month
-Given out, by the GM or
highest ranking member at the meeting, each
month for a single great/kind/nifty act done.
-This award can be earned, once per month.
-Everyone submits any acts of kindness to the
GM. The GM then picks the three best and then
guildmates vote on one of the
Note: This let's members who don't have
enough free time playing to get MotM to have
a chance to get this for a single great/kind
to DwB: An award given out to the
guildmember who best shows the dedication to DwB
and it's members.
-This award is given out for
the dedication that is shown during a length
of membership, to the guild.
-This award can be earned once during the
course of guild members, and is given out
once every two monthes.
-The older members (Will, Zan, Applesmash,
LK, and Shouden) will vote for the recipient
of this award.
Also, there was some talks of
trying to find an item in-game that could be
given to the member who won an award. No ideas
yet still. So if you have one, please share it
with us on the message
New members in
the Guild.
Corran (Who some will remember from DwW) has come
back to UO and returned us. So say hello. Shouden
has also come back to us. Also, Dr Ricecake has
been put on the stone. So say hello again.
We also have two new recruits. HawkeThorn and
Ironman. Hawke is very new, only a few days
experience and Ironman has been playing about two
months. I've hunted with Hawke and have spoken
with Ironman. Both seem like fine fellows. Their
ICQ#'s will be posted in a bit.
of UO
Servers cost alot of money to run. While OSI has
said they plan to keep UO around for ten years if
everyone leaves for UO2 or Shadowbane, whatever
other online game, and they aren't making enough
money to keep it running they most likely will
shut it down. So with UO2 coming out I'd
personally say UO has a year left. So therefor
it's wise to plan for the future.
DwB, as some of you might not know, started in
Diablo with Shouden. We've done a bit of moving
since then, to AC, EQ, D2, and SC. None but UO
worked well. I would like for Rad, to post about
moving to AC. Tell us why you feel it it didn't
work and what you feel we'd have to do for it to
work. I'd also like anyone else who was a part of
any of these
attempted movings to post as well.
Also, I'd like for everyone who'd like to step up
and say what online games they've been watching
to please come up, post a link to any site with
info on the game, and explain the reasons behind
why you feel the game is right for the future of
DwB and your friends and guildmates.
Hmm... Think that's it for now. Thanks for
reading all this.
And welcome back DragonLance. Rocks to have ya