Back, once when Magii were
few, and Masters were fewer, there was a man that went by the
name Shouden. Shouden met a young Mage that went by the name
Static. Shouden had the vision of a great group of people, held
together by their friendship and his leadership. By Static being
Shouden's first real friend, he helped Shouden realize his dream.
The Guild was first named The Dark Warriors of Trinsic, as that
is the town in which Shouden was born. However, it was pointed
out that this great group of people would not all be from
Trinsic, but all over the land in which we live. Therefore,
Shouden renamed the guild Dark Warriors of Britannia.
The Guild first owned a small one room Training Center. Both
Static and Shouden spend many long nights there drinking ale, and
having talks of great deeds, and stories of wise and strong men.
As time grew on, Static's beliefs turned torwards being murderous
and Static left the Guild as he did not want to tarnish Shouden,
or the Guild's image. It was at this point that Shouden realized
his true purpose. Here is the tale, as Shouden remembers it...
"I was travelling around, looking for something to do. I
happened upon a group of people standing at a bridge, apparently
waiting for something to happen. I decided to stop and see what
they were talking about, I introduced myself as Shouden, Guild
Master of DwB. They were all immediately impressed and wished to
join my Guild. So be it. I recruited them into my Guild. Out of
that group of faithful Warriors, I have but a few left. They can
only be found at the highest ranks of DwB. I would trust them
with my blade, and my life."
From this point on, DwB's main purpose in the land we live, is to
train young people. Train them of the land in which we live.
Teach them to be strong, and to protect themselves and their
guild members. And most importantly, give them the friendship
that DwB offers.
We have built DwB on the
friendship and trust of the members within it. The clothes we
wear, the buildings we own, and beliefs we follow are not what
makes up our guild. The members are what makes up the guild. It
is upon this belief that we recruit new members into our guild.
We do not accept just anyone. Recruitment works on the basis of
trusting DwB's members. We allow all members to recruit people in
the guild as long as they will 'vouch' for them. If the member
vouches for the recruit, then the member will set a time and date
for their recruit to meet up with an interviewer. The interviewer
will ask the recruit a number of questions about themselves,
their beliefs, and what their level of experience they have. If
the interviewer finds the recruit acceptable, they will be
invited to join us at our next full Guild Meeting. During the
recruits' attendance at the next guild meeting, they shall be
required to follow guild policy for recruitment.
(See Recruitment page.)
Fellowship and Rank One shall ALWAYS respect their fellow Guildmembers, and if given a direct order by a higher ranked member they are to oblige. If they feel that the higher rank is being unfair, do as they ask and speak to the Emperor, Chancellor or Shogun at a later time. |
No Head
Gear in the Tower No helms or weapons are to be worn inside the Tower unless members are sparring. Hats and staves are acceptable. |
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Doors Use your best judgement when opening the Tower doors. If someone enters the house who is not authorized, it is the highest member's responsibility to ban them from the Tower. |
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of the Tower Only full DwB Members shall be considered "friends" of the Tower. |
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Floor of the Tower The Second floor is off-limits to all but Dark Council Members. |
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Magic in
the Tower Magic may only be used if it is not an area spell, and of course, not during meetings. The only exception to this rule is if you have Shogun, Chancellor, or Emperor permission. |
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During Meetings No talking during the meetings unless addressed by the Emperor, Chancellor or Shogun. If you have something to say, stand first, wait to be recognized, and then say what you have to say. Any member who repeatedly ignores requests for silence at meetings will have their privilege to advance in rank suspended for a period of two weeks. |
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Guild Donations Requirements All members are required to either donate one hour of their time torwards a Guild event, or they are required to bring 500gp to the weekly Guild meeting. This amount is based on honesty, as there is no record of who gives and who doesnt... |
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Meeting Requirements You must make it to atleast one meeting a month unless you have work or other such things going on in RL. |
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Recruitment Each member is encouraged to recruit one person every two weeks. This is not a requirement and remember you are resposible for your recruit. This means for a period of time after recruitment you are resposible for your recruit's actions. This is to ensure that we have quality recruits, someone you trust, who has all the qualities we demand of our members. It also means that you make sure they understand our principles, laws, and also the location of the web page and message board. If three or more established members are displeased with a recruit's conduct, they may formally complain to the Emperor, Chancellor or Shogun, and an inquery will be held regarding that recruit's membership. |